Aone Ultra Video Joiner v6.2.0411 + Serial Full Version ini merupakan software video joiner yang mendukung berbagai macam format video, di antaranya AVI, Divx, XviD, MPEG, WMV, ASF, RM, MOV, 3GP, MP4, FLV, MKV format.

Dengan software ini kita dapat dengan mudah menggabungkan beberapa file video menjadi satu file video hanya dengan sekali klik saja.
Wahh keren kan ? awalnya saya hanya mencari software joiner video 3gp, yah ternyata yang di dapat malah lebih bagus dari yang di cari. Bukan hanya beberapa file 3gp saja yang sekarang dapat saya gabungkan, video yang berextensi MP4 dan AVI juga dapat saya gabungkan dengan sempuran berkat bantuan software yang satu ini ( Format lainnya belum saya test hehe ).
Key Functions
- Join video files directly without re-encoding - You can use Ultra Video Joiner to join multiple AVI MPEG WMV MP4 FLV clips directly without re-encoding
- AVI Joiner – join AVI DivX video files - You can use Ultra Video Joiner to join multiple AVI DivX files with Fast conversion speeds because All encoders/codec are built-in
- MPEG Joiner - Ultra Video Joiner to join multiple MPEG1, MPEG2 files. A lot of settings you can tweak to achieve high quality.
- Join multiple videos to another format - Combine and join multiple video formats to one file with comprehensive video formats supported like DVD, VCD, SVCD, AVI, DivX, MPEG, ASF, WMV.
- Super fast conversion speed provided as it full supports Intel Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon™ 64 X 2 Dual-Core Processor which ensures full use of your CPU
- All encoders/codec are built-in and any supported conversion can be done once you downloading the software
- Join video files directly without re-encoding, very fast and without any quality loss
- Merge your favorite video files to another formt
- Join unlimited number of video files in different formats
- Cut unwanted parts by specifying start time and end time
- NTSC/PAL setting options for DVD, VCD, SVCD exporting
- Add letterbox to keep the original aspect ratio
- High conversion speed and wonderful output quality
- Support “Drag and Drop” from Windows Explorer
- Simple GUI and very EASY to use
- Lifetime FREE Technical Support and FREE upgrade. Free trial download. 30 day money back guarantee
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